If you have freckles, brown spots, facial redness or uneven skin tone, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photo Rejuvenation is perfect for you! Skin problems, such as these can be caused by age, sun exposure, genetics and many other factors. ​
Best intelligent technology to achieve glowing skin!
​​Photo Rejuvenation is an amazing light based technology for men and women who want to revitalize their appearance without any down time. This non-invasive solution will get you back to looking your best.
We can treat each area as needed – face, neck, arms, hands, chest, legs- and restore your skin’s radiance.
Treatments can be performed every four weeks and they only take about a half an hour out of your day. After just one treatment, you will have a more even tone: freckles and sunspots will fade, and pores will shrink. With subsequent treatments, you will see even more improvement in these areas.
Patients with rosacea will see some reduction in redness and flushing.
This gentle and safe treatment can truly create a marked difference in your skin over time, since the skin continues to improve for weeks after the actual IPL treatment.
Schedule Your Appointment
If you're ready to take advantage of our aesthetic treatments in Boynton Beach, call us at 561.736.8806 to schedule today!